in Mississippi Sound

Testing showcases PILLS, Areté’s Pushbroom Imaging Lidar for Littoral Surveillance.

October 28, 2019

Naval Oceanography will soon be testing unmanned technology in the Mississippi Sound to demonstrate the capabilities of multiple solutions for mapping oceanographic battlespace. Testing will feature PILLS (Pushbroom Imaging Lidar for Littoral Surveillance).

“We expect to identify those areas where current UxS technology can be used for military survey missions and to provide direct feedback to industry partners to further advance their technical solutions for operational use,” said Matthew Thompson, technical lead for the Hydrography Department at NAVOCEANO.

PILLS Program Manager Eric Korpie commented, “Areté is proud to showcase the PILLS technology at ANTX in partnership with NAVOCEANO and USACE, and to participate in the Navy Small Business Innovation Research Program.”

Naval Oceanography will showcase results from ANTX on November 6, 2019, at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Marine Research Center in Gulfport, Mississippi, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is open to the public.