see the unseeable

Military technologies for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions are rapidly evolving.

January 1, 2019

Electro-optical (EO) sensors have been in use since the Vietnam War, but in the 21st century, EO sensing is advancing quickly. EO is more compact, lighter, more rugged, and surveils at a greater distance. Today EO sensors are used on a wide range of manned and unmanned aircraft, among other uses.

Areté features prominently in the sensing domain with technologies such as COBRA (Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis), which detects submerged sea mines and obstacles via an unmanned air system (UAV) and PILLS (Pushbroom Imaging Lidar for Littoral Surveillance), which performs environmental and other detection over water.

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) is essential to the modern battlefield. Military and Space Electronics says ISR has become more important than ever to the Air Force. And user requirements are constantly changing.

Military and Space Electronics says “Electro-optical infrared, spectral, and common-aperture electro-optical/RF hardware and algorithms will help develop the ability to detect low-signal targets in noisy and cluttered environments using electro-optical, infrared, hyperspectral, multispectral, and common-aperture electro-optical/RF sensors — including focal-plane arrays, hybrid focal plane arrays, and infrared cameras for high-resolution low-power portable midwave and longwave IR sensing.”